Aug 13, 2020
Welcome to our recipe page!
When Erin and I were discussing how we wanted to format recipes on here, we both agreed that super long introductions for cookies that begin with our grandmother’s life story were out of the question. We both have A LOT of words but really wanted a clean recipe format that gets down to business quickly. We also wanted to try and make recipes as searchable as possible so that you can find ideas for your meal categories. Here is the format you’ll find:
Description: Any necessary background/texture and taste notes.
Make it a Meal: Food pairing ideas to make up a meal that is generally considerate of everyone at the table. For example, we may suggest plain rice with a spicy entree so that children are exposed to something more familiar paired with something new. You know your family’s preferences best so just consider them some additional ideas of what we might do.
Yield: Approximately how much food a recipe will make. The number of servings that any meal makes depends on the family. I’m still in the 8 and under phase so a “family of four” size pretty much feeds our family of five.
Recipe Name: Either a very boring or very cheesy name. Like “Basic Bran Muffins” or “Can’t Replicate it Chicken Casserole”
Ingredients: We will rarely use brand names or descriptors such as “organic milk” versus “milk” because everyone’s food choices depend on their values, budget, time and proximity to grocery stores, markets, etc.
Directions: Simple, easy to follow steps. We are not French chefs by any stretch of the imagination and likely won’t post too many recipes that require a lot of advanced technique. (Although Erin makes a mean Italian buttercream…) We are, however, both Registered Dietitian Nutritionists that have owned our own bakeries/cafes and really love to cook and bake.
Storage Notes: We will try to always include directions on how to properly store your leftovers OR freeze in order to have a quick meal on hand later. You can’t freeze some things like a salad, but you could toast nuts in bulk to have on hand for salads. There’s nothing better than having a well stocked pantry or being able to pull a cake out of the freezer for last minute company. (Seriously, if I don’t have a pound cake in my freezer I don’t feel ready for guests. And truly-nobody cares if you still have laundry left to fold on the couch if there is cake and coffee. #homemakingtips).
Occasionally we will also round up some of our favorite recipes on the web that go with possible categories on a meal template!
What you will NEVER find in our recipes:
Diet culture. We promise to keep our recipes 100% diet culture free. Food is a basic human need so we’re not going to go around talking like we are horrible human beings for needing and wanting to eat. Wanting to eat is what makes us…human. Nothing ruins a good chocolate cake recipe more than the writer talking about how guilty they feel for eating it or that it was a reward for doing XYZ. Moral language (example “I’m being good and eating a salad”) doesn’t belong in food writing any more than it belongs in everyday conversation.